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Patrick Debois

13 years of devops and 130 presentations later - how my devops mental model changed

I’ve now been talking 13 years about devops resulting in 130+ presentations. During that time my devops mental model has changed. From the naive “Devops Hippie days” in 2009 to the “Devops Paradoxes in 2022”. Last week I had the pleasure to present this journey at the Devopsdays Austin 2022 - 10 year anniversary edition.

For that I mainly used slides from past presentations. While the talks where not officially recorded I was lucky that Peco recorded mine using his phone. Apologies for the lesses quality, but hope you can still enjoy the content. If you want to be notified of new post or talks feel free to subscribe to my blog or subscribe to my youtube channel.

And on the conclusion about the question - Is devops dead? my answer was :

  • I’m ok
  • We’re ok
  • DevOps is ok
  • Ukraine folks are not ok

Please consider sponsoring or donating to the upcoming DevOpsDays Kyiv #standWithUkraine https://devopsdays.org/events/2022-kyiv/welcome/

In summary:

Year Thoughts
2009 devops , the Hippie years , an extension of the human improvements that Agile started
2010 devops collaboration as the bridge between dev and ops, the control of QA and faster delivery
2011 devops tools as a way to influence behavior and culture
2012 devops as a faster and better feedback cycle, the early version of the 3ways from the devops handbook
2013 devops as startup differentiator , with key metrics to indicated success
2014 devops as delivery mindset , applying it to mobile and cloud delivery
2015 devops where an external saas API is a collaboration similar to 3rd party supplier collaboration
2016 devops as a digital transformation in enterprises
2017 devops is not the only department one with a pipeline , they are everywhere in the business
2018 devops success is influenced by behavior by other parts of the business such as HR , sales, Legal
2019 devops alone is not enough and is only a tiny perspective of running a succesful business
2020 devops is about building trust , you need to be sincere, not only technical competence
2021 devops is about removing friction between any company silo
2022 devops culture will always have to fight the cultural paradoxes

Enjoy the video that elaborates a bit more on each of these topics.