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Patrick Debois

VMWare Fusion - Scripted Installation

This probably falls in the category of useless automation for a lot of people. In my never ending search for automation , I wondered how far vmware fusion could be automated.

Prepare VMWare fusion

The first step is to download the Vmware Fusion disk image. Because this requires registration, this can’t be automated:

You can download vmware fusion from the vmware website URL

This will propose you two options:

  • Option1 : Download including VMware Fusion and a 12 month complimentary subscription to McAfee VirusScan Plus 2009 (Recommended) 434 MB
  • Option2 : Download including only VMware Fusion software 151 MB

I suggest downloading the Option1 , as it includes the OVF Tools which I find handy for importing ovf format virtual machines

New machines are created in : $HOME/Documents/Virtual Machines.localized

Running the installation by commandline

# Point to the downloaded version
# Mount the disk image
VMFUSION_MOUNT_POINT=$( hdiutil mount $VMFUSION_DMG -nobrowse |tail -1|cut -d ' ' -f 2-|cut -d '/' -f 2-)

# Install the packages
sudo installer -pkg "$VMFUSION_MOUNT_POINT/Install VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Resources/Install VMware Fusion.mpkg/Contents/Packages/Install VMware Fusion.pkg" -target /
sudo installer -pkg "$VMFUSION_MOUNT_POINT/Install VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Resources/Install VMware Fusion.mpkg/Contents/Packages/com.vmware.fusion.ovftool.pkg" -target /

# Unmount the disk image
hdiutil unmount "$VMFUSION_MOUNT_POINT"

# List the vmware packages installed
pkgutil --pkgs=com.vmware.*

# Next set the license number
VMFUSION_SERIALNR="<please enter yours :)>"
VMFUSION_NAME="Patrick Debois"

# Check if the provided license is valid
/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-licenseTool check "$VMFUSION_SERIALNR" $VMFUSION_VERSION "Vmware Fusion for Mac OS"  ""

# Set the license
sudo /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-licenseTool enter "$VMFUSION_SERIALNR" "$VMFUSION_NAME" "$VMFUSION_COMPANY" $VMFUSION_VERSION "Vmware Fusion for Mac OS" ""

# Show the license file
cat /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/license-*

# List the Binaries in /Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS/vmware
ls /Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS/vmware

# Extra stuff in /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion
ls /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion

# Getting Started.app		icu				mozilla-root-certs.crt		vmnet-bridge			vmss2core		vmware-vmx
# Uninstall VMware Fusion.app	isoimages			networking			vmnet-cli			vmware-authd			vmware-vmx-debug
# VMDKMounter.app			kexts				networking.bak.0		vmnet-dhcpd			vmware-cloneBootCamp		vmware-vmx-stats
# VMware Fusion Helper.app	languageSpecificMacToWinKeymap	proxyApp-template-app		vmnet-natd			vmware-licenseTool		vnckeymap
# VMware Fusion Start Menu.app	license-fusion-30-e1-200902	proxyApp-template-info.plist	vmnet-netifup			vmware-ntfs
# boot.sh				licenses			thnuclnt			vmnet-sniffer			vmware-rawdiskAuthTool
# choose-vmx.sh			locations			tools-upgraders			vmnet1				vmware-rawdiskCreator
# fusionRepairPermissionsTool	messages			unrar				vmnet8				vmware-usbArbitratorTool
# fusionShareTool			mkisofs				vm-support.tool			vmrun				vmware-vdiskmanager

# Machines go into $HOME/Documents/Virtual Machines.localized
ls $HOME/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized

# Restart network services!?
sudo sh -c "/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/boot.sh --restart"
Cleaning an existing installation

#Find the vmware packages installed
pkgutil --pkgs=com.vmware.fusion.*

# Stop the network listeners
sudo sh -c "cd /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/ ; test -f boot.sh && ./boot.sh --stop"

# Kill the vmware fusion running
FUSION_PID=$(ps -eo pid,command  |grep -i "/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/MacOS/vmware"|grep -v grep| sed -e "s/^[ ]*//"|cut -d ' ' -f 1)

# Also kill the headless ones
FUSION_PID=$(ps -eo pid,command  |grep -i "vmrun"|grep -v grep| sed -e "s/^[ ]*//"|cut -d ' ' -f 1)

# And some other processes
FUSION_PID=$(ps -eo pid,command  |grep -i "vmware-vmx"|grep -v grep| sed -e "s/^[ ]*//"|cut -d ' ' -f 1)

FUSION_PID=$(ps -eo pid,command  |grep -i "/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/"|grep -v grep| sed -e "s/^[ ]*//"|cut -d ' ' -f 1)

sleep 2

# Verify the version
pkgutil --pkg-info com.vmware.fusion.application 2>/dev/null| grep -i ^version

# To remove the sofware: 
# Option 1: Unlink the files
for pkg in `pkgutil --pkgs=com.vmware.fusion.*`; do sudo pkgutil --verbose --unlink $pkg -f; done
# Make the OS forget about the files
for pkg in `pkgutil --pkgs=com.vmware.fusion.*`; do sudo pkgutil --verbose --forget $pkg -f; done "

# Option 2: Run the uninstaller
# Suggested by Eric on 9/12/2010
sudo /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/Uninstall\ VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/Resources/fusion-uninstaller.tool

# Note that we don't delete virtual machines!
